If you're dissatisfied with your job and thinking about rage applying, there may be a better way to deal with your frustration

If you pay any attention at all to social media, there's a good chance you're heard of terms like “quiet quitting” and “acting your wage” – trends that some workers have adopted in reaction to rising job dissatisfaction. But what if your first instinct when burnout or frustration sets in is to simply start applying for a host of other jobs? Have you ever been tempted to use rage applying as a way to vent your frustration?

In this post, we explain this phenomenon and consider its potential benefits and drawbacks. In addition, we offer some tips on different ways that you can deal with your frustration, so that you don't end up rage applying to jobs.

What is rage applying?

It's only natural to get frustrated at work sometimes, but when that frustration becomes chronic it can lead to tremendous levels of dissatisfaction. Of course, many workers who become that dissatisfied with their jobs tend to look for new employment – and most do so in a deliberate and calculated manner. Rage applying is something different.

Workers who rage apply tend to be more focused on trying to avenge perceived wrongs than locating a better job and work environment. These employees become so disenchanted that they submit a flurry of applications and resumes to multiple employers, often without any serious research into whether those jobs are a good fit for their employment needs.

Possible benefits of rage applying

Of course, applying for jobs is a natural reaction when you're completely dissatisfied with your current role. And in an economy with more than 8 million open positions, there's a good chance that it won't be too difficult to receive a new job offer relatively quickly. Actively searching for a new position before you quit a bad job is almost always a smart idea too, especially if you don't have enough savings to sustain you during a period of joblessness.

Likely negative consequences when you rage apply

However, it's also important to recognize that rage applying may not be the best way to address your frustration, for several important reasons.

  • Rage applying could lead you to take a job that ends up being as bad as the one you currently hold. If the move doesn't help you to resolve your underlying dissatisfaction, then it's probably not the right decision.

  • There's also the risk that your frustration will be on display during interviews with other prospective employers, which could cause them to reject you as a candidate.

  • Rage applying is a reactionary response to frustration that is typically fueled by emotion. That's rarely the best way to approach a job search - or any other problem.

Is there a better option?

The best way to avoid the negative consequences that could result from rage applying is to better manage your response to frustration and dissatisfaction. The following tips can help.

  • Sometimes, talking to your employer can help them to understand your frustration. That understanding could result in a greater effort on their part to ensure that your concerns are addressed.

  • Figure out what you really want from your job. If your current job can't fill that need or desire, then it's probably time to move on to another company.

  • If you decide to seek another job, do not proceed without a serious plan. Rather than just submitting resumes to a host of companies, take the time to research each role and tailor your resume to fit the jobs you want.

  • Don't forget your network. Your network connections may be the best source for a host of unadvertised opportunities and can often help you to identify companies and roles that will be a better fit for your career.

Stay in control for better results

While rage applying may be a hot trend for many of today's frustrated workers, it's better to maintain some level of control over your career. By controlling your emotional response to job dissatisfaction, you can take a more strategic approach to finding a new job - and avoid burning any unnecessary bridges with your employer and industry.

Before you even think about rage applying, make sure that your resume is everything it needs to be by getting your free resume review from our experts today!

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